If you had told me I would be writing this six years ago I would've called you Crazy with a capital C, but here it goes..... I LOVE the Harry Potter series! I realize that there is MAJOR controversy surrounding these works, but if you can get beyond all of the "darkness" and see what a literary genius J K Rowling is, you will be in for some extremely fun and engaging reads. Her character and plot development blows my mind, and I honestly can't figure out how she made each book better than the last. There is not another series out there that has kept me captivated through seven novels. If you are a HP skeptic, you should at least give the first book a try. It's only 309 pages (and this includes large fonts, big margins, and even a few pictures!), and if you aren't converted, it's only a couple of hours wasted.
Anyhoo, the point of this post. I have set a Harry Potter challenge for myself.... Back in the spring I began re-reading through the series for a third time, and made it through book three before I took what I thought would be a short break. This last weekend though, I frighteningly realized that the 1st installment of the 7th movie comes out November 19th, and I had planned on reading through book six before it opened. Yikes! I immediately set a goal- to read books 4, 5, and 6 by Black Friday. Yes, that is 734 pgs + 896 pgs + 652 pgs for a whopping total of = 2282 pgs in less than 4 weeks. I aim to prevail though, because really, what could be better than spending Black Friday morning out with all the crazy shoppers and Black Friday afternoon entertaining myself with the epic end to this series?!?!?