Thursday, January 19, 2012

Progression of The Bump

Well, I've made it to week 30! I feel great, but am definitely in "cross-as-many-things-as-possible-off-the checklist" mode. There is a lot to prepare for and learn, and it feels like every day I am tackling a new task. This approach would probably stress most of you out, but for me, well, I'm a planner and it's actually calming me down!

 Week 5 (definitely no visible bump!)

Week 13 (still really pathetic)

Week 17 (looking a little pudgy)

Week 20 (half way and still giving me nothing....are you even in there???)

Week 21 (that's better!)

26 weeks (BAM!)

Hugging Ingrid didn't really work.  Our mid-sections were just too big!   This was taken when Ingrid thought she still had 6 weeks to go. Little did she know she'd be giving birth in 2!

28 weeks (we have a MOVER in there! The activity is nonstop, especially when I'm getting ready for bed.)

30 weeks (our last official vacay without a babe in tow and people can FINALLY tell I'm pregnant!)


  1. I love the series of bump shots! You and baby are amazing!! And the video of him moving is awesome, but kinda makes my stomach ache and fell weird remembering Will moving like that. Will kicked hard and often AND liked to do full body rolls! Thank goodness Elsa was way more graceful I think your little guy is doing push-ups and sprints in there to get ready for his big day.

  2. Ahhh!! You are so tiny and cute. I am like twice your size and a couple of weeks behind you. You look awesome. LOVE this post!!
